Hello, i’m

Maxime Descartes, Mbogning Fonkou

Research Analyst

Transforming Scientific Publications and Patents into Actionable Insights for Research and Strategic Decision-Making

About Me

Transforming Scientific Publications and Patents into Actionable Insights for Research and Strategic Decision-Making

My Story

Unlocking the Power of Science

Hi, I’m Maxime Descartes Mbogning Fonkou. I love turning the vast amount of information in scientific papers and patents into insights that can help drive research and make important decisions.

From Curiosity to Expertise

I started my journey in data analytics and scientific research because I was fascinated by microbiology and infectious diseases. This led me to get a PhD in Human Pathology and Infectious Diseases at Aix Marseille Université, where I studied the human respiratory microbiota under Prof. Raoult Didier. I realized that each scientific paper and patent is like a piece of a puzzle that can lead to big breakthroughs.

In 2018, after finishing my PhD and starting a job at a startup called Culture Top, I decided to get a Master’s degree in Information et Médiation Scientifique et Technique at Marseille University. I specialized in Technological Surveillance and Innovation (VTI). This helped me understand the importance of data for researchers and decision-makers and improved my skills in using data science tools.

Sharpening Skills and Shaping the Future

I then went to York University as a Postdoctoral Visitor, under Prof. Jude Kong. Here, I improved my skills in bibliometrics, scientometrics, and data analytics. I learned to use tools like Python, VSCode, Google Colab, Git, NLTK, SpaCy, Gensim, and others to help me understand scientific data. My goal was not just to analyze the data but to use it to guide research and decisions that could shape our future.

More Than Just Analysis: Giving New Life to Data

I don’t just analyze data. I also try to find new insights in existing scientific data. I use a mix of different methods, like systematic reviews, text mining, machine learning, and social network analysis, to dig deep into scientific papers. This helps me find important insights that can guide decision-making.

I’ve published over 25 peer-reviewed papers, so I know my work has an impact. I believe that data science and text mining can help us tackle big challenges, like pandemics and epidemics. By focusing on the intersection of health and data-driven analytics, I hope to help understand and solve these threats.

A Mentor and Communicator

I don’t just do research. I also teach others and share my findings through publications, reports, and digital platforms. I use tools like Dash Plotly and Streamlit to make complex data easy to understand, which helps researchers and policymakers make informed decisions.

Let’s Work Together

I invite others who are interested in this work to join me. Together, we can unlock the potential of scientific papers and patents, leading to smarter decisions, innovative solutions, and a better world for everyone.


Maxime Descartes’s mission is to harness the power of data science and text mining to transform the vast expanse of scientific data into actionable insights. By doing so, he aims to fuel research innovation, guide strategic decision-making, and contribute to the broader understanding and resolution of global health threats. He is also committed to mentoring others and making complex data accessible to facilitate informed decisions by researchers and policymakers.


Maxime envisions a future where the untapped potential of scientific publications and patents is fully exploited. He believes in the transformative potential of data and aims to breathe new life into existing scientific data by uncovering hidden insights. His ultimate goal is to use these insights to drive smarter decisions, foster innovative solutions, and create a better world for all. He invites collaborators, innovators, and leaders to join him in this endeavor.

Where I've Worked

Postdoctoral Visitor

York University, Toronto, Canada,
2023 - Present
Supervised by Prof. Jude Kong

- Leading cutting-edge research in bibliometrics, scientometrics, and data analytics within the domain of infectious diseases and microbiology, establishing new standards for the analysis of scientific literature and patents.
- Expertly utilizing a comprehensive suite of analytical tools and programming languages, including Python, VSCode, Jupyter Notebooks, Google Colab, Git, and advanced NLP tools like NLTK, SpaCy, and Gensim, for sophisticated data analysis and interpretation.
- Pioneering a data-driven approach to analyze and extract meaningful information from patents and publications through machine learning, natural language processing, named entity recognition, and social network analysis.
- Contributing to a groundbreaking study currently under review by Nature Biotechnology, highlighting the application of innovative methodologies to gain insights from scientific literature and patents, with implications for future research in infectious diseases and microbiology.
- Developing and deploying an interactive dashboard using Dash Plotly and Streamlit, facilitating dynamic data visualization and making complex datasets accessible and understandable.
- Mentoring four students in their systematic review projects, guiding them through literature collection, data analysis, and synthesis, enhancing their research capabilities and contributing to the broader academic discourse.

Postdoctoral Researcher

Institut Gustave Roussy (Unité Mixte de Recherche Inserm), Paris, France,
2021 - 2023

- Engaged in pioneering cancer immunotherapy research under the direction of Prof. Laurence Zitvogel, focusing on tumor immunology, personalized immunotherapies, and the role of natural killer cells in tumor environments.
- Specialized in the application of culturomics approaches to isolate microorganisms from biopsy samples for microbiological analysis, contributing significantly to understanding the microbiome's impact on cancer treatment efficacy.
- Played a key role in organizing and maintaining a biobank of bacteria, crucial for ongoing and future research efforts, ensuring high standards of sample preservation and accessibility.
- Conducted comprehensive data analysis and reporting, translating complex biobank data into actionable insights for the research team, supporting the development of new therapeutic strategies.
- Contributed to the publication of two high-impact papers in Science and Cancer Discovery journals, demonstrating the relationship between the microbiota and cancer immunotherapy outcomes, highlighting the potential of microbiota-modulated pathways as therapeutic targets.

Microbiologist / Research Scientist

Culture-Top, Eurobio scientific, Les Ulis, France,
2018 - 2020

- Led the development of innovative culture media, focusing on the rapid cultivation of a wide range of microorganisms, with an emphasis on fastidious and highly pathogenic pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- Built upon doctoral research findings to advance practical applications in microbial cultivation, significantly reducing the time to detect and culture difficult-to-grow pathogens.
- Collaborated with multidisciplinary teams of microbiologists, clinicians, and biotechnologists to tailor culture media formulations to specific research and diagnostic needs.
- Implemented rigorous testing protocols to evaluate the efficacy and reliability of new culture media against standard methods, demonstrating superior performance in terms of growth rate and microbial viability.
- Played a pivotal role in transitioning laboratory discoveries to real-world applications, facilitating faster and more accurate microbial identification and sensitivity testing in clinical settings.
- Engaged in continuous learning and adaptation of cutting-edge microbiological techniques and technologies to stay at the forefront of microbial cultivation research.

PhD Research Assistant

Aix Marseille Université, Marseille, France,
2015 – 2018
Supervised by Prof. Raoult Didier

- Established the first-ever comprehensive directory of bacteria cultured from the respiratory tract, cataloging 756 species and significantly expanding the known repertoire of lung microbiota.
- Introduced and applied culturomics and metagenomics to investigate the respiratory microbiota of healthy individuals, successfully isolating 193 bacteria, including 84 previously unreported in the respiratory microbiota, and discovering 14 new species.
- Implemented taxonogenomics, a novel approach integrating genomic and proteomic data with traditional phenotypic, biochemical, and genotypic information, to describe 19 new bacterial species, enhancing the understanding of microbial diversity.
- Leveraged MALDI-TOF MS for the identification of rare microbes, contributing to the advancement of clinical microbiology and emphasizing the need for continued microbial cultivation efforts.
- Showcased the complementarity of culturomics and metagenomics in expanding our knowledge of the pulmonary microbiota, setting a new precedent for future microbiological research.

Where I've Studied

Master's Degree in Information, Scientific and Technical Mediation | Specialization in Technological Watch and Innovation (VTI)

Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France

- Completed a comprehensive curriculum focused on the theoretical and practical aspects of managing and analyzing scientific and technical information, with a keen emphasis on innovation and technological surveillance.
- Gained expertise in data science tools and techniques, enhancing my ability to collect, preprocess, analyze, and interpret complex data sets.
- Conducted a significant internship project on global research trends in the treatment of new Coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) through bibliometric analysis, demonstrating the practical application of my studies to address real-world challenges.

PhD in Human Pathology and Infectious Diseases

IHU Fondation Méditerranée Infection / Aix Marseille Université, Marseille, France,
2015 - 2018
Supervised by Prof. Raoult Didier
Thesis: Exploration of the Human Respiratory Microbiota and Its Impact on Health

- Established the first-ever comprehensive directory of bacteria cultured from the respiratory tract, cataloging 756 species and significantly expanding the known repertoire of lung microbiota.
- Introduced and applied culturomics and metagenomics to investigate the respiratory microbiota of healthy individuals, successfully isolating 193 bacteria, including 84 previously unreported in the respiratory microbiota, and discovering 14 new species.
- Implemented taxonogenomics, a novel approach integrating genomic and proteomic data with traditional phenotypic, biochemical, and genotypic information, to describe 19 new bacterial species, enhancing the understanding of microbial diversity.
- Leveraged MALDI-TOF MS for the identification of rare and unknown microbes, contributing to the advancement of clinical microbiology and emphasizing the need for continued microbial cultivation efforts.
- Showcased the complementarity of culturomics and metagenomics in expanding our knowledge of the pulmonary microbiota, setting a new precedent for future microbiological research.

University Higher Studies Certificate in Biostatistics and Basic Methodologies for Research in Biology and Medicine (CESU BIOMETH)

Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France,

- Acquired advanced knowledge in biostatistics and research methodologies, enhancing my ability to design, analyze, and interpret scientific studies within the fields of biology and medicine.
- Developed proficiency in statistical software and tools essential for data analysis, contributing to the accuracy and reliability of research findings.
- Gained a deeper understanding of the ethical considerations and best practices in biological and medical research, ensuring the integrity and quality of my scientific work.

Master of Science (MSc) in Biomedical Sciences, Medical Bacteriology and Virology Option

Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Yaoundé, Cameroon 2012 - 2014
- Thesis Topic: "Sérotypes de Papillomavirus Humain à Haut Risque chez les Patientes Séropositives au VIH Présentant des Lésions Intra Épithéliales Cervicales" (High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Serotypes in HIV-Positive Patients with Cervical Intraepithelial Lesions).
- This work involved comprehensive research on the intersection of HIV infection and HPV-induced cervical lesions, contributing significant insights into the co-morbidity of HIV and HPV infections.
- Developed proficiency in advanced laboratory techniques for virology and bacteriology, including the identification and typing of high-risk HPV serotypes in clinical samples.
- The research underscored the importance of screening strategies in HIV-positive populations to mitigate the risk of cervical cancer, aligning with global health priorities and contributing to the body of knowledge on infectious disease management and prevention.

My Skillset​

Technical and Analytical Skills

Data Analytics and Management

Proficiency in collecting, preprocessing, analyzing, and interpreting complex datasets to uncover actionable insights.

Programming and Software Development

Skilled in Python, and R, for data analysis, as well as familiarity with software development tools like VSCode, notebooks, and Google Colab and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web development.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Expertise in NLP techniques and tools (e.g., NLTK, SpaCy, Gensim) to analyze textual data from publications and patents.

Machine Learning and Data Mining

The ability to think strategically and make informed decisions based on data analysis and insights.

Bibliometrics and Scientometrics

Knowledge of bibliometric and scientometric methods to analyze scientific literature and measure the impact of research.

Systematic Review

Skilled in conducting systematic reviews, including literature search, data evaluation, and synthesis to identify research gaps and summarize evidence.

Visualization Tools

Proficiency with data visualization platforms (e.g., Dash, Streamlit, VOSviewer) to create interactive and insightful representations of data.

Version Control and Collaboration Tools

Familiarity with Git and other version control systems to manage codebases and collaborate with other researchers.

Website Development

Proficient in developing dynamic, data-driven websites using WordPress and Django.

Soft Skills

Strategic Thinking and Decision-Making

The ability to think strategically and make informed decisions based on data analysis and insights.

Communication and Presentation

Strong verbal and written communication skills to share findings clearly with both technical and non-technical audiences.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Ability to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams and collaborate with researchers, decision-makers, and other stakeholders

Project Management

Skills in managing projects, including planning, execution, and monitoring, to ensure successful completion of research initiatives.

Continuous Learning

A commitment to lifelong learning and staying updated with the latest advancements in data science, NLP, machine learning, and related fields.

Innovation and Creativity

The creativity to find novel solutions to complex problems and the innovation to apply new techniques and methodologies in research.

Domain-Specific Knowledge

Subject Matter Expertise

Deep understanding of microbiology, infectious diseases, and other relevant domains to apply data science techniques effectively.

Understanding of Patent and Publication Processes

Knowledge of the scientific publishing process and patent filing procedures to navigate and analyze these documents accurately.

Data Analytics Ressources

Data Collection and Preprocessing


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Topics and Keywords extraction



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Biomedical Mining



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Analysis, Statistics and Visualization



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Dashboard and portfolio

Django portfolio

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My Publications


Maxime Descartes Mbogning Fonkou, Jude Dzevela Kong

Phage Therapy: Leveraging Machine Learning and Big Data techniques to Unveil the Evolution, Innovations, and Global Landscape in the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance Journal Article Forthcoming

In: Nature Biotechnology, Forthcoming.

BibTeX | Tags: Genetics, Microbiology (medical)

Hubert BASSENE Codou NDIAYE, Maxime Descartes Mbogning FONKOU

The application of culturomics to explore African skin microbiota Journal Article

In: American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags:

Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Kong, Jude Dzevela

Phage Therapy: Leveraging Machine Learning and Big Data techniques to Unveil the Evolution, Innovations, and Global Landscape in the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance Technical Manual


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags:


Fidelle, Marine; Rauber, Conrad; Silva, Carolina Alves Costa; Tian, Ai-Ling; Lahmar, Imran; de La Varende, Anne-Laure Mallard; Zhao, Liwei; Thelemaque, Cassandra; Lebhar, Isabelle; Messaoudene, Meriem; Pizzato, Eugenie; Birebent, Roxanne; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Zoppi, Silvia; Reni, Anna; Dalban, Cécile; Leduc, Marion; Ferrere, Gladys; Durand, Sylvère; Ly, Pierre; Silvin, Aymeric; Mulder, Kevin; Dutertre, Charles-Antoine; Ginhoux, Florent; Yonekura, Satoru; Roberti, Maria Paula; Tidjani-Alou, Maryam; Terrisse, Safae; Chen, Jianzhou; Kepp, Oliver; Schippers, Angela; Wagner, Norbert; Suárez-Gosálvez, Javier; Kobold, Sebastian; Fahrner, Jean-Eudes; Richard, Corentin; Bosq, Jacques; Lordello, Leonardo; Vitali, Giacomo; Galleron, Nathalie; Quinquis, Benoît; Chatelier, Emmanuelle Le; Blanchard, Lucas; Girard, Jean-Philippe; Jarry, Anne; Gervois, Nadine; Godefroy, Emmanuelle; Labarrière, Nathalie; Koschny, Ronald; Daillère, Romain; Besse, Benjamin; Truntzer, Caroline; Ghiringhelli, François; Coatnoan, Nicolas; Mhanna, Vanessa; Klatzmann, David; Drubay, Damien; Albiges, Laurence; Thomas, Andrew Maltez; Segata, Nicola; Danlos, François-Xavier; Marabelle, Aurélien; Routy, Bertrand; Derosa, Lisa; Kroemer, Guido; Zitvogel, Laurence

A microbiota-modulated checkpoint directs immunosuppressive intestinal T cells into cancers Journal Article

In: Science, vol. 380, no. 6649, 2023, ISSN: 1095-9203.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Multidisciplinary

Ouarti, Basma; Fonkou, Descartes Maxime Mbogning; Houhamdi, Linda; Mediannikov, Oleg; Parola, Philippe

Lice and lice-borne diseases in humans in Africa: A narrative review Journal Article

In: Acta Tropica, vol. 237, 2023, ISSN: 0001-706X.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Insect Science, Parasitology, Veterinary (miscellaneous)


Tall, Mamadou Lamine; Mbogning, Maxime Descartes; Yimagou, Edmond Kuete; Raoult, Didier; Levasseur, Anthony

Detection of horizontal sequence transfer in microorganisms in the genomic era Unpublished

bioRxiv, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags:

Goubet, Anne-Gaëlle; Lordello, Leonardo; Silva, Carolina Alves Costa; Peguillet, Isabelle; Gazzano, Marianne; Mbogning-Fonkou, Maxime Descartes; Thelemaque, Cassandra; Lebacle, Cédric; Thibault, Constance; Audenet, François; Pignot, Géraldine; Gravis, Gwenaelle; Helissey, Carole; Campedel, Luca; Roupret, Morgan; Xylinas, Evanguelos; Ouzaid, Idir; Dubuisson, Agathe; Mazzenga, Marine; Flament, Caroline; Ly, Pierre; Marty, Virginie; Signolle, Nicolas; Sauvat, Allan; Sbarrato, Thomas; Filahi, Mounia; Davin, Caroline; Haddad, Gabriel; Khalil, Jacques Bou; Bleriot, Camille; Danlos, François-Xavier; Dunsmore, Garett; Mulder, Kevin; Silvin, Aymeric; Raoult, Thibault; Archambaud, Baptiste; Belhechmi, Shaima; Boneca, Ivo Gomperts; Cayet, Nadège; Moya-Nilges, Maryse; Mallet, Adeline; Daillere, Romain; Rouleau, Etienne; Radulescu, Camelia; Allory, Yves; Fieschi, Jacques; Rouanne, Mathieu; Ginhoux, Florent; Teuff, Gwénaël Le; Derosa, Lisa; Marabelle, Aurélien; Dorp, Jeroen Van; Dijk, Nick Van; Heijden, Michiel S. Van Der; Besse, Benjamin; Andre, Fabrice; Merad, Miriam; Kroemer, Guido; Scoazec, Jean-Yves; Zitvogel, Laurence; Loriot, Yohann

Escherichia coli–Specific CXCL13-Producing TFH Are Associated with Clinical Efficacy of Neoadjuvant PD-1 Blockade against Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Journal Article

In: vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 2280–2307, 2022, ISSN: 2159-8290.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Oncology


Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Lo, Cheikh Ibrahima; Mekhalif, Zouina; Bilen, Melhem; Tomei, Enora; Yimagou, Edmond Kuete; Dubourg, Grégory; Raoult, Didier; Fenollar, Florence; Fournier, Pierre-Edouard

Gemella massiliensis sp. nov., a new bacterium isolated from the human sputum Journal Article

In: Arch Microbiol, vol. 203, no. 9, pp. 5817–5823, 2021, ISSN: 1432-072X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Biochemistry, General Medicine, Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology

Bouba, Yagai; Tsinda, Emmanuel Kagning; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Mmbando, Gideon Sadikiel; Bragazzi, Nicola Luigi; Kong, Jude Dzevela

The Determinants of the Low COVID-19 Transmission and Mortality Rates in Africa: A Cross-Country Analysis Journal Article

In: Front. Public Health, vol. 9, 2021, ISSN: 2296-2565.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Environmental and Occupational Health, Public Health

Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Bragazzi, Nicola Luigi; Tsinda, Emmanuel Kagning; Bouba, Yagai; Mmbando, Gideon Sadikiel; Kong, Jude Dzevela

COVID-19 Pandemic Related Research in Africa: Bibliometric Analysis of Scholarly Output, Collaborations and Scientific Leadership Journal Article

In: IJERPH, vol. 18, no. 14, 2021, ISSN: 1660-4601.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Environmental and Occupational Health, Health, Public Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis

Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; LO, Cheikh Ibrahima; Mekhalif, Zouina; Bilen, Melhem; Tomei, Enora; Kuete, Edmond; Dubourg, Grégory; Raoult, Didier; Fenollar, Florence; Fournier, Pierre Edouard

Description of Gemella massiliensis sp. nov., a new bacterium isolated from the human gut. Journal Article

In: 2021.

BibTeX | Tags:


Naud, Sabrina; Khelaifia, Saber; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Dione, Niokhor; Lagier, Jean-Christophe; Raoult, Didier

Proof of Concept of Culturomics Use of Time of Care Journal Article

In: Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol., vol. 10, 2020, ISSN: 2235-2988.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Microbiology (medical)

Gouba, N.; Yimagou, E. K.; Hassani, Y.; Drancourt, M.; Fellag, M.; Fonkou, M. D. Mbogning

Enterococcus burkinafasonensis sp. nov. isolated from human gut microbiota Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 36, 2020, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Gouba, N.; Hassani, Y.; Saad, J.; Drancourt, M.; Fonkou, M. D. Mbogning; Fellag, M.

Enorma burkinafasonensis sp. nov., a new bacterium isolated from a human gut microbiota Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 36, 2020, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Yacouba, Abdourahamane

Global research trend in the treatment of the new Coronavirus diseases (COVID-19): bibliometric analysis Unpublished

medRxiv, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags:

Ndiaye, Codou

Évaluation de la promotion de l'hygiène corporelle dans la prévention des maladies infectieuses en milieu rural au Sénégal PhD Thesis

Aix-Marseille, 2020.

BibTeX | Tags:


Bellali, S.; Lo, C. I.; Naud, S.; Fonkou, M. D. M.; Armstrong, N.; Raoult, D.; Fournier, P. -E.; Fenollar, F.

Parabacteroides massiliensis sp. nov., a new bacterium isolated from a fresh human stool specimen Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 32, 2019, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Kuete, E.; Fonkou, M. D. Mbogning; Mekhalif, F.; Anani, H.; Baudoin, J. -P.; Raoult, D.; Khalil, J. Y. Bou

Brachybacterium timonense sp. nov., a new bacterium isolated from human sputum Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 31, 2019, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Kuete, E.; Fonkou, M. D. Mbogning; Mekhalif, F.; Anani, H.; Baudoin, J. -P.; Raoult, D.; Khalil, J. Y. Bou

Selenomonas felix sp. nov., a new bacterium isolated from human sputum Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 31, 2019, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Boudjemaa, Hadjer; Allem, Rachida; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Zouagui, Souad; el Houda Khennouchi, Nour Chems; Kerkoud, Mohamed

Molecular drivers of emerging multidrug resistance in Proteus mirabilis clinical isolates from Algeria Journal Article

In: Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, vol. 18, pp. 249–256, 2019, ISSN: 2213-7165.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Immunology, Immunology and Allergy, Microbiology, Microbiology (medical)

Bilen, Melhem; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Dubourg, Grégory; Tomei, Enora; Richez, Magali; Delerce, Jérémy; Levasseur, Anthony; Daoud, Ziad; Raoult, Didier; Cadoret, Frédéric

Dysgonomonas massiliensis sp. nov., a new species isolated from the human gut and its taxonogenomic description Journal Article

In: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, vol. 112, no. 6, pp. 935–945, 2019, ISSN: 1572-9699.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: General Medicine, Microbiology, Molecular Biology

Gouba, Nina; Hien, Yeri Esther; Guissou, Marie Laure; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Traoré, Yves; Tarnagda, Zekiba

Digestive tract mycobiota and microbiota and the effects on the immune system Journal Article

In: Human Microbiome Journal, vol. 12, 2019, ISSN: 2452-2317.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology (medical)

Traore, Sory Ibrahima; Bilen, Melhem; Beye, Mamadou; Diop, Awa; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Tall, Mamadou Lamine; Michelle, Caroline; Yasir, Muhammad; Azhar, Esam Ibraheem; Bibi, Fehmida; Bittar, Fadi; Jiman‐Fatani, Asif Ahmad; Daoud, Ziad; Cadoret, Fréderic; Fournier, Pierre‐Edouard; Edouard, Sophie

Noncontiguous finished genome sequence and description of Raoultibacter massiliensis gen. nov., sp. nov. and Raoultibacter timonensis sp. nov, two new bacterial species isolated from the human gut Journal Article

In: MicrobiologyOpen, vol. 8, no. 6, 2019, ISSN: 2045-8827.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Microbiology

Bilen, Melhem; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Caputo, Aurélia; Nguyen, Thi-Thien; Pinto, Fabrizio Di; Bittar, Fadi; Daoud, Ziad; Levasseur, Anthony; Fournier, Pierre Edouard; Raoult, Didier; Cadoret, Frédéric

Phoenicibacter congonensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new genus isolated from the human gut and its description using a taxonogenomic approach Journal Article

In: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, vol. 112, no. 5, pp. 775–784, 2019, ISSN: 1572-9699.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: General Medicine, Microbiology, Molecular Biology

Bilen, Melhem; Fonkou, Maxime D. Mbogning; Nguyen, Thi T.; Richez, Magali; Daoud, Ziad; Fournier, Pierre E.; Raoult, Didier; Cadoret, Frédéric

Miniphocibacter massiliensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new species isolated from the human gut and its taxono‐genomics description Journal Article

In: MicrobiologyOpen, vol. 8, no. 5, 2019, ISSN: 2045-8827.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Microbiology

Fonkou, M. D. Mbogning; Bilen, M.; Gouba, N.; Khelaifia, S.; Cadoret, F.; Nguyen, T. T.; Richez, M.; Bittar, F.; Fournier, P. -E.; Raoult, D.; Dubourg, G.

Non-contiguous finished genome sequencing and description of Enterococcus timonensis sp. nov. isolated from human sputum Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 29, 2019, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Bilen, Melhem; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Khelaifia, Saber; Tomei, Enora; Cadoret, Frédéric; Daoud, Ziad; Armstrong, Nicholas; Bittar, Fadi; Fournier, Pierre‐Edouard; Raoult, Didier; Dubourg, Gregory

Taxonogenomics description of Parabacteroides timonensis sp. nov. isolated from a human stool sample Journal Article

In: MicrobiologyOpen, vol. 8, no. 4, 2019, ISSN: 2045-8827.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Microbiology

Bilen, Melhem; Fonkou, Maxime D Mbogning; Nguyen, Thi T; Richez, Magali; Daoud, Ziad; Fournier, Pierre E; Raoult, Didier; Cadoret, Frédéric

Miniphocibacter massiliensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new species isolated from the human gut and its taxono-genomics description Journal Article

In: Microbiologyopen, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. e00735, 2019.

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Andrieu, C.; Mailhe, M.; Ricaboni, D.; Fonkou, M. D. M.; Bilen, M.; Cadoret, F.; Tomei, E.; Armstrong, N.; Vitton, V.; Benezech, A.; Davoust, B.; Levasseur, A.; Lagier, J. -C.; Fournier, P. -E.; Raoult, D.

Noncontiguous finished genome sequences and description of Bacteroides mediterraneensis sp. nov., Bacteroides ihuae sp. nov., Bacteroides togonis sp. nov., Bacteroides ndongoniae sp. nov., Bacteroides ilei sp. nov. and Bacteroides congonensis sp. nov. identified by culturomics Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 26, pp. 73–88, 2018, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Fonkou, Maxime DM; Dufour, Jean-Charles; Dubourg, Grégory; Raoult, Didier

Repertoire of bacterial species cultured from the human oral cavity and respiratory tract Journal Article

In: Future Microbiology, vol. 13, no. 14, pp. 1611–1624, 2018, ISSN: 1746-0921.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Microbiology, Microbiology (medical)

Bilen, Melhem; Beye, Mamadou; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Khelaifia, Saber; Cadoret, Frédéric; Armstrong, Nicholas; Nguyen, Thi Tien; Delerce, Jérémy; Daoud, Ziad; Raoult, Didier; Fournier, Pierre‐Edouard

Genomic and phenotypic description of the newly isolated human species Collinsella bouchesdurhonensis sp. nov. Journal Article

In: MicrobiologyOpen, vol. 7, no. 5, 2018, ISSN: 2045-8827.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Microbiology

Bilen, Melhem; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Tomei, Enora; Armstrong, Nicholas; Bittar, Fadi; Lagier, Jean‐Christophe; Daoud, Ziad; Fournier, Pierre‐Edouard; Raoult, Didier; Cadoret, Frédéric

Eggerthella timonensis sp. nov, a new species isolated from the stool sample of a pygmy female Journal Article

In: MicrobiologyOpen, vol. 7, no. 5, 2018, ISSN: 2045-8827.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Microbiology

Fonkou, M. D. Mbogning; Mailhe, M.; Ndongo, S.; Ricaboni, D.; Morand, A.; Cornu, F.; Alou, M. Tidjani; Bilen, M.; Andrieu, C.; Levasseur, A.; Cadoret, F.; Raoult, D.

Noncontiguous finished genome sequences and descriptions of Actinomyces ihuae, Actinomyces bouchesdurhonensis, Actinomyces urinae, Actinomyces marseillensis, Actinomyces mediterranea and Actinomyces oralis sp. nov. identified by culturomics Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 25, pp. 30–44, 2018, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Bilen, M.; Founkou, M. D. Mbogning; Cadoret, F.; Dubourg, G.; Daoud, Z.; Raoult, D.

Sanguibacter massiliensis sp. nov., Actinomyces minihominis sp. nov., Clostridium minihomine sp. nov., Neobittarella massiliensis gen. nov. and Miniphocibacter massiliensis gen. nov., new bacterial species isolated by culturomics from human stool samples Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 24, pp. 21–25, 2018, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Fonkou, M. D. Mbogning; Bilen, M.; Cadoret, F.; Fournier, P. -E.; Dubourg, G.; Raoult, D.

‘Enterococcus timonensis’ sp. nov., ‘Actinomyces marseillensis’ sp. nov., ‘Leptotrichia massiliensis’ sp. nov., ‘Actinomyces pacaensis’ sp. nov., ‘Actinomyces oralis’ sp. nov., ‘Actinomyces culturomici’ sp. nov. and ‘Gemella massiliensis’ sp. nov., new bacterial species isolated from the human respiratory microbiome Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 22, pp. 37–43, 2018, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning

Exploration du microbiote respiratoire humain PhD Thesis

Aix-Marseille, 2018.

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Bilen, Melhem; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Tomei, Enora; Armstrong, Nicholas; Bittar, Fadi; Lagier, Jean-Christophe; Daoud, Ziad; Fournier, Pierre-Edouard; Raoult, Didier; Cadoret, Frédéric

Eggerthella timonensis sp. nov, a new species isolated from the stool sample of a pygmy female Journal Article

In: MicrobiologyOpen, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. e00575, 2018.

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Fonkou, M. D. M.; Morand, A.; Fournier, P. -E.; Raoult, D.; Dubourg, G.

‘Bacteroides ihuae’ sp. nov., a new bacterial species isolated from the human respiratory microbiome Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 17, pp. 52–53, 2017, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Bilen, M.; Mbogning, M. D.; Cadoret, F.; Dubourg, G.; Daoud, Z.; Fournier, P. E.; Raoult, D.

‘Pygmaiobacter massiliensis’ sp. nov., a new bacterium isolated from the human gut of a Pygmy woman Journal Article

In: New Microbes and New Infections, vol. 16, pp. 37–38, 2017, ISSN: 2052-2975.

Links | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology

Nansseu, Jobert Richie; Mbogning, Descartes Maxime; Monamele, Gwladys Chavely; Tamoh, Stive Fokam; Gonsu, Hortense Kamga; Kouanfack, Charles; Yanwou, Yves Nathan; Sando, Zacharie

Sero-epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus: a cross-sectional survey in a rural setting of the West region of Cameroon Journal Article

In: Pan Afr Med J, vol. 28, 2017, ISSN: 1937-8688.

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Bilen, Melhem; Mbogning, Maxime Descartes; Cadoret, Frédéric; Dubourg, Grégory; Daoud, Ziad; Fournier, Pierre Edouard; Raoult, Didier

Pygmaiobacter massiliensis” sp., nov., a new bacterium isolated from the human gut of a pygmy female Journal Article

In: NMNI https://doi. org/10, vol. 1016, 2016.

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Kabeyene, Angèle Clarisse Okono; Bongning, Descartes; Nkodo, MJ Mendimi; Sando, Z; Doh, Anderson; Fewou, Amadou; Oyono, JL Essame

Sérotypes de Papillomavirus Humain à Haut Risque chez les Patientes Séropositives au VIH Présentant des Lésions Intra Épithéliales Cervicales Journal Article

In: HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, vol. 16, no. 2, 2015.

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